Marriage Advice. An advice for anyone who wants to get married and have a happy marriage.

...Don't go into marriage seeking to be loved rather go into it seeking for someone to bless with love, go into it because you have enough love to share with someone special. That mindset will always make you go far in your marriage. A lot of couple have failed marriages not because they don't love each other but because they don't have enough love to give out thereby making each other look like they are seeking for what they can't get. And in a marriage, for some people, when you need your marriage to share the things you expect from it with you and its not forthcoming, they end up looking elsewhere just to get that which will make them happy. Sometimes, think about what to do for other people and not always what they will do for you. You should put your partner's joy first, make it your priority and there will be no problems because each of you is busy looking out for each other's happiness.

True joy, happiness and inner peace comes from loving people and not from your wealth because wealth doesn't guarantee happiness. A happy marriage is not a function of what you do or where you live but a function of love so don't think that your marriage is not working because your spouse is poor or because he doesn't have a Ferrari or because he is no Bill Gates. The difference between heaven and hell is is love and the presence of God. Take God away from heaven and His love to hell and heaven becomes hell while hell becomes heaven. Love is the remedy of our drastic world just that we don't know how to love. Love is not just an emotion, its a action. Its not a gift you pray for, its a behaviour you learn. Its not a theory, or logic, its practical and true. Love is a way of life. The simple definition of love is Christ so if you claim to be a Christian, you must know how to show love. When He came, He gave us only but one law, the law of love. You can't worship God without love and our world can't get better without love. The true measure of success is on how many people you were able to put smiles on their faces, how many people you are able to show love to. Let's learn how to love because love heals...


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