Anger management. Its effect, causes and ways of preventing your anger from getting out of control

ANGER; is a disease that most of us are guilty of but what makes it bad is not the fact that you got angry but what your anger made you do that can be scary. it eats someone up to the point that sometimes when we get angry, we never see anything positive, we never see anyting good not because there is noting good but because we have channeled our mindset to the fact that everyting at that point in time can never be good, because we are not feeling good. some of us, in their anger forget God, some loose friends, some even loose family member(s), some loose blessings because when you are blinded by anger, even blessings/gifts seems like a curse/burden to you and thats why so many thimgs seem to go wrong at the same time; because we don't believe that anyting is right.

Some take rash decisions that they letter regret and maybe in the end, they may not even realize how bad their anger has made things go. Sometimes, their freinds get scared of being very free around them, they start living a careful life to avoid making them angry and to protect their friendship/relationship thereby loosing some of the things that makes life beautiful, things that optimizes happiness in friendship/relationship.

Some of them can give good advice to people in their shoes and even encourage them to be better people but fail to implement those advice themselves, some are good in criticizing people but don't like 2 be criticized because they are always right. They never take the blame for anything bad that happens in their lives. They either blame a living thing, a non-living thing or even the dead in a bid to prove their innocence. They seek so much patience and understanding from people around them but have little of these in them to give out. Sometimes, anger makes you look like a monster...

Whenever anyone or any situation makes you angry, walk out of the scene if you cannot control yourself to avoid doing something you might regret. Try as much as possible to get to your normal sanity before taking any action. You can sleep over it if you can but do not go into drinking because it can cause you more trouble. Find someone you can trust and talk to that person if it needs a listening ear because sometimes, when we tell people about our problems, even if they can't give us a solution, they can give us hope and emotional support.

There is nothing in this life that is worth u getting angry over it because the more you get annoyed and angry over little things, the more you loose the blessings of God... Just be happy always...

Never make a decision when you are angry or place a cause on someone when you are not at peace because most harsh decisions we make out of anger causes us more anger and pain on the long run...

Thanks for reading...


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